Vent Hood Repair

Neglecting damaged or missing vent hoods may results in:

  1. Water damage
  2. Bird infestation
  3. Bird nesting (which blocks vent airflow)
  4. Interior vent line damage
  5. Higher heating and cooling costs

Some homeowners and handymen cover open vents with bird guards but this only partially addresses 1 of the 3 main purposes of vent hoods, which is to keep out:

  1. Animals and insects
  2. Drafts
  3. Water

Replacing damaged vent hoods with proper ones is a cost effect way to protect your home and avoid costly repairs.

It is against code to install a screen or bird guard on the dryer vent because lint will cause a blockage. For dryer vents a louvered designed is typically installed.

For customers wanting the best protection against birds, Dryer Wall Vent is available.

If you have damaged or missing vent hoods, please call  or to discuss how It’s Time  can help you.